Rail travel in the United Kingdom

National Rail franchisees Operation Network Rail operators who are self-employed State-owned enterprises

In 2016, 1. 718 billion travels were made on the National Rail network in the United Kingdom, making it the fifth most used in the world (the United Kingdom ranks 23rd in terms of population). Unlike in many other nations, train travel in the UK has had a revival in recent years, with passenger numbers approaching an all-time high (see usage figures below) This has coincided with British Rail's privatization, but the reason for the increase is unknown. The increase can be ascribed to a shift away from private cars as a result of increasing road congestion and rising gasoline prices, as well as an overall increase in travel as a result of prosperity. Over the period 1997–98 to 2014, passenger travels in the United Kingdom increased by 88 percent, compared to 62 percent in Germany, 41 percent in France, and 16 percent in Spain.

The cost of transportation

In order for community rail to effectively decrease barriers, the train sector must address the issue of cost for poor or marginalized populations. For disadvantaged populations, the cost of transportation and travel is critical to building fairer societies through more equal access to opportunities, particularly in the areas of work, education, and training. Train operating firms will be encouraged to collaborate with community rail organizations to identify local solutions, such as creative ticketing options that make the railway more accessible to these groups. We'll also make it a requirement for train operators to report on their progress in this area in their annual community rail report.

Northern Powerhouse Rail

Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne suggested a high-speed rail link between Liverpool and Newcastle/Sheffield/Hull in June 2014, dubbed Northern Powerhouse Rail (also known as High Speed 3 or High Speed North). The line would use the existing route between Liverpool and Newcastle/Hull, as well as a new route from Manchester Victoria to Sheffield, which would include extra tunnels and other infrastructure.

Promoting the expansion of community rail

The rail sector is encouraged to collaborate with communities in regions where there is no active community involvement with railways to create awareness of the options available to address local challenges. Individuals and communities that wish to take action and get involved can rely on the Community Rail Network and train operating companies to help them form new organisations and partnerships. This involves aiding them in obtaining initial funding to help them get on their feet as quickly as possible, as well as encouraging others to help them.

To ensure that community rail's expansion continues relevant, community rail partnerships must be able to recognize, predict, and respond to broader trends and innovations in the rail industry, as well as in society and their local communities. Furthermore, the government, Community Rail Network, and industry partners must work together to eliminate bureaucratic and practical hurdles. The National Community Rail Steering Group [footnote 2] will play a key role in achieving this by championing actions and efforts to expand the world of community rail.

The train network is expanding.

While all proposals to develop and expand the rail network will be subject to a business case evaluation, community rail organizations can assist in identifying local opportunities for development that are in line with local needs and aspirations, whether it is enhancing existing facilities or developing new ones. Several community rail partnerships have identified prospective additional stations and rail network modifications, and they have been quite successful in making the case for investment and, in some cases, even in raising the necessary funds. Community rail partnerships can collaborate with Network Rail or their train operating company to discover potential to improve and expand rail services, such as by evaluating service patterns or connecting to the wider UK rail network.

As a result, community rail may contribute to the Government's ambition to find plans that unleash additional housing or economic growth while also being cost-effective, as detailed in 'Connecting people: a strategic vision for rail'. From 2019, we'll be using a new method to funding major repairs and enhancements across England and Wales, with a rolling programme of investment aimed at delivering outcomes that benefit communities, passengers, freight users, and the economy. We would like to see Network Rail and the Community Rail Network support community rail organizations in their efforts to contribute to this process.

Еhe rail industry consults community rail organizations

It is critical that the rail industry consults community rail organizations about any planned or future developments in order to guarantee that their valuable local knowledge and input are taken into account when decisions are made. Community rail organizations can frequently offer funding guidance, such as discovering prospective sources from local governments or developers to improve projects.

We also encourage local governments to consult community rail partnerships and station adoption groups when submitting planning applications, so that they can assist them in identifying appropriate sustainable travel and station investment projects that can be funded through developer contributions such as Section 106 funding.

The collaboration with community rail organizations

The collaboration with community rail organizations

Many community rail partnerships and station adoption groups hold workshops and visits at stations for groups facing accessibility barriers or who have specific support needs, such as people with learning disabilities, groups with visual impairments, older people, and socially disadvantaged families, to build confidence, familiarity, and understanding. This is a critical area of work for community rail to advance and expand. Community rail partnerships and station adoption groups should be able to reach out to groups and individuals who are currently unable to use rail services to identify their barriers to travel and service gaps, and then work with partners to prioritize and secure the necessary improvements and changes to make rail services accessible to them. This is a critical area of development, and the government expects train operators and Network Rail to collaborate with community rail organizations to evaluate local options. As part of their franchise, a number of train operating firms are required to submit an annual community rail report; in the future, we will need this report to contain an update on progress in this area.